JjCLQ.jpgɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ own a of movies? have trouble keep track of movies?ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ My Movies Android allows catalog enre movie ion a few taps.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Important Notice! T lication manag a movie ion. not possible download watch movies.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ title search us archive supplied by TMDb. moviedb.org (Tmdb) a free open movie database. It completely open led by people . 'now used by millions of people every month, also used by centers of world's most popular media. T lication interacts t database retrieve inmation ab movie. invite collaborate http://www.moviedb.org . seconds any inmation relevant a movie.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ evaluate lication by download My Movies Free Android. an iden version, available free, b limited 30 titles. Free version contains Ads.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ My Movies Android keep track of movies have, have owned lent movies wish buy, than those already seen, want see. again will have buy rent a movie twice.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ If buy PRO lication easily retrieve titles included FREE. FREE a database backup, PRO go setngs tap restore db from FREE version.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ any problem suggestion, please contact us at: jcoluc@gmail.com. are unable help if leave a comment market. Please help us improve. quality stability of our top priority. will hily help any problem.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Features:ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ movie by title search barcode search.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ movie by cast member search.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Manage different categories (Owned, wished...).ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Customize location, notes, evaluation more.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ View details synopsis, full cast list, much more.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Display poster magnified high definition.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Link IMDB site, if owned directly interacts IMDB lication.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Link TMDB site.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Link WIKIPEDIA site cast management.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Watch trailers.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Loan titles keep track. also select from contacts. a few taps l send a t message an email contact remind him back movie. plus also p a reminder endar. lication will remember loaned movies.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Quick search of movies sort.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Integration social network lications device (Twitter, Facebook, Google + etc.).ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Shake random select based filters lied.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Create backups of movie ion restore previous backups.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Management of cast photos, biography filmography. ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Section released recently recommended movies.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ lication optimized phones b not tablet.ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ 's t version : (Updated : Sep 28, 2012)ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ tab "Last Suggested" now has become "Suggested". Inside re are now three subcategories: Box Office, Most Popular, Top Ratedɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Permance optimizationsɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ Required Android O/S : 2.2+ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ play:ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ ɐɳḓṟṓḹḋ